Heart of Florida Section held its 2023 Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony on May 11 at the Winter Haven Garden Club.  The Section Committee expresses a warm “thank you” to Whit Blanton, FAICP, APA Florida Chapter President for attending and participating in our panel of keynote speakers, with Diane Quigley, AICP (Stantec) and Sheila McNamara (CFRPC).  The panel provided the audience with information presentations and discussion about resiliency planning.  We heard about local and regional planning efforts currently underway, best practices and lessons learned from developing resiliency plans, and down further into topics such as engaging the community and identifying champions for the plan during a Q&A session.  AICP members receive 1 CM for attending this session.

Thank you to all who attended and made our event this year successful!

You can review the presentations below. (Downloads as a pdf)

CFRPC Resiliency Presentation.pdf

APA Resilience Lessons.pdf


2023 HOF Annual Meeting Attendees

2023 HOF Annual Meeting Attendees

2023 HOF Award Recipient

Award of Merit: Build It! Category - Sean Byers and Heather Reuter

Congratulation to City of Winter Haven for being recognized with an award of merit in the Build It! category of Section awards for the Martin Luther King Jr. Park.  The initial concept of the site becoming Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park in 1990 was to provide a place for all residents to enjoy an open space and lake setting. The Park provided access to Lake Silver, open space and other public amenities. The renovation updated the site with ADA standards and modern park amenities.

The new improvements of the complete street, terraced lawn, picnic areas, new building with shaded observation deck, restrooms, concessions, and sound room make this park modern and sets the stage for the future.

One of the major improvements is ADA improvements. The sidewalks and picnic areas are now appropriate for all abilities and the observation deck is accessible. There is an inclusive access to the lake so all individuals can experience water sports like skiing. The site is complete with a new monument to and educational kiosk to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sheila McNamara, Diane Quigley, AICP, CFM, WEDG,  Whit Blanton, FAICP

Guest Speakers: Sheila McNamara, Diane Quigley, AICP, CFM, WEDG, Whit Blanton, FAICP (left to right)