AICP Grace Period Ends May 31, 2024
Beginning Jan. 1 of every new reporting period, if you have met your CM requirements for the previous reporting period, you must review and sign off to complete and close the reporting period. After you have recorded all required credits, go to your CM log to review and sign off. You must complete this step before you can begin logging CM credits for the next reporting period.
The current reporting period for AICP members is from Jan. 1, 2022, to Dec. 31, 2023. Currently, there is a 2024 grace period for all active AICP members who did not complete their CM credits by Dec. 31, 2023 – that grace period ends May 31, 2024. A reminder about the grace period (example below) should appear at the top of your CM Log page for all members who have not yet closed their reporting period by following the steps described at the following link: End of Reporting Period Instructions

A variety of free CM opportunities are available through the APA Florida website, CM Maintenance page. You will see a link for “free options” on this page that provides a list of opportunities, including resources available outside of APA Florida.
The Planning Webcast Series offers free CM courses for APA Florida members. You can also search for On Demand courses through the CM Search page at You can filter the search to identify Ethics, Equity, Sustainability & Resilience, and Law courses, as well as free courses.
If you are new to logging CM credits, please review the information provided below by national.
If you have questions, please contact APA Florida Vice President for Continuing Education Lara Bouck, AICP, PE.