Planning Academy 102

Are you working as a planner, in either the public or private sector, and find you still need to know “the basics” or need a refresher to do your work well?
Are you struggling to understand what other planners seem to automatically just “know”?
Then this series of workshops is for you! Each month, we’ll explore a different topic with a seasoned expert who will break things down on your level. Plan to join us for one, two or all of our noon webinars to increase your knowledge about relevant planning topics and earn CMs.
All webinars are FREE! The sessions are recorded and will be available for at least .5 CM each.
See the schedule below.
Planning Academy 102 Schedule
Topic | Speakers | Date |
CRAs | Renee Jadusingh, Esq., FRA-RA | Nov. 21 |
GIS basics | Michael Gilbrook, GISP | Dec. 19 |
Upcoming Webinars
Nov. 21: Crazy for CRAs!
There are approximately 220 Community Redevelopment Agencies in the State of Florida tasked with investing public funds in local communities to uplift neighborhoods and increase the local tax base. Redevelopment agency projects come in many shapes and forms such as property acquisitions, brownfield clean up, affordable housing developments, infrastructure improvements, planning initiatives, and innovative community policing. This session will provide an overview of governing statute for Community Redevelopment Agencies and illustrate how this revitalization tool is transforming neighborhoods.
Speaker: Renee Jadusingh, Esq., FRA-RA
Register for the Nov. 21 webinar here
Dec. 19: GIS Basics
Would you like to know how to make a simple map? Or maybe even a bit more complex map? Would you like to know what GIS is all about and how to use it better in your job? Then don’t miss this webinar to close out our Planning Academy 102 series! Michael Gilbrook, GISP, will be teaching us all there is to know about GIS and how to use it well.
Speaker: Michael Gilbrook, GISP
Register for the Dec. 19 webinar here
Past Webinars
Oct. 17 | Floodplain Management
At no other time has climate variability created such uncertainty for our Florida communities. The threat of repeated storm events leading to severe flooding along with everyday flooding events in our neighborhoods is becoming a way of life across Florida. More and more planners are being asked to participate in floodplain management and all hazards planning. How do you start to wrap your head around flooding with all your other responsibilities?
Our presenters explore "The Basics" - what all planners need to know to keep their communities safe.
- Core Competencies addressed in this presentation includes:
- Human Settlements: Understanding growth and development over time
- Related Professions and Practices: Presenting the terminology, practices and principles of floodplain management for planners.
- Environmental Management: Learning about hazard mitigation
Speakers: Heather M Urwiller, AICP, CFM, LPG and Plan This, along with Kelly Turner, AICP, CFM, KCT
Watch the Oct. 17 webinar here
Sept. 19 | The Main Street Program
For more than 40 years, the National Main Street Center has helped more than 2,000 communities nationwide implement the Main Street Four Point Approach.
Join Kyle Reynolds, Orlando Main Streets Coordinator, and Katherine Beck, Florida Main Street Coordinator, for an overview of the Four Points and learn how our model preserves, restores, and uplifts communities.
Watch the Sept. 19 webinar here
Aug. 15 | Landscape Architecture Basics
This webinar will provide a history of landscape architecture, different specialties and possible career paths and landscape architecture basics including the design elements and tools used.
The presenter will outline how to review landscape architecture plans, showing the typical components of a plan set, pointing out the key features regarding code compliance, and outlining the application of the local codes.
Galen Pugh, Director of Landscape Architecture at CPH, is the speaker
Watch the Aug. 15 webinar here
July 18 | Archictecture Basics
Are you a planner reviewing site plans and have ever wondered what architectural design guidelines are all about? Have you questioned what a cornice, parapet or portico is? Are you well versed in building massing and articulation? Then join us for an instructional webinar that will explain basic architectural elements and clear up any questions you have about reviewing architectural plans. Eric will provide examples of roof designs, window shapes, and explain the differences in exterior building materials as well as incorporate other architectural terms that appear in many jurisdictional architectural standards.
Watch the July 18 webinar here
June 18 | Impact Fees
Impact fees are one of the funding sources available to local governments. They are regulated by case law and specific State Statutes. This session will focus primarily on Florida impact fees and provide information on history and legal requirements, use of revenues, when they are most beneficial, what type of demographic and economic trends suggest a higher benefit from impact fees, common methods to calculate the fees and common issues/concerns about these programs.
May 16 | Historic Preservation
Celebrate Historic Preservation Month with us by learning about what goes into being a historic preservation planner. You'll learn all about historic preservation from a local, state, and national perspective.
April 18 | Development Review Committee Rules
We’ve all heard about the DRC (Development Review Committee) and questioned its purpose, structure, and operations. This webinar will explain how the various development review processes work and explore other considerations and challenges of managing and participating in the various DRC processes, which can be very different for each jurisdiction.
Watch the April 18 webinar here
March 21 | Dealing with the Politics
How can we deal with political issues effectively and professionally? How can we balance our technical expertise, our values, and our goals with the expectations and demands of others? How can we communicate and collaborate with diverse and sometimes hostile actors in the planning process?
This webinar will answer these questions by 1) exploring the types of political conflicts and challenges in the planning field today; 2) discussing skills and strategies to manage and resolve political issues in your work; 3) presenting best practices and examples of successful political engagement and negotiation involved in planning, and; 4) share resources and support available for planners facing political difficulties. This webinar is ideal for planners who want to improve their political awareness and skills and learn how to navigate the political landscape with confidence and competence.
Feb. 15 | School Planning
If you’re wondering what school planning is all about, this webinar is for you. Kathie Ebaugh, AICP and Heather Croney will teach us about the details of school planning: Tracking and predicting growth in communities and its impact on student population; determining which schools close and which stay open based on capacity; planning for building additions or adding new schools; budgeting and funding; tracking school enrollment numbers and compliance with FISH.
If you’re thinking about making the leap to school planning or are just starting this career journey, plan to join us.
Jan. 25 | Housing Grant Administration
Have you ever wondered about FHFC, SHIP, CDBG, HOME, HUD, and Section 8 programs? Would you like to learn about housing grants that will work in your jurisdiction? Jessica Frye, AICP, Housing Initiative Manager with the City of Orlando, will teach us best practices for administering housing grants in Florida. Jessica is skilled in federal, state, and local grants that support the development and preservation of affordable housing and other community improvement projects and programs, working directly with developers to create and preserve affordable housing.
This information will be valuable to all planners working to attract and keep affordable housing in their community.