Partnering with APA Florida for AICP CM Credit

In September 2018, the APA Florida Executive Committee adopted a set of Standard Operating Procedures, or SOPs, for determining when the chapter would co-host an AICP CM Credit event. A copy of the SOPs can be found here. Below is an abbreviated version of the key points.

  • Event Requirements:

    • The event should be marketed to more than 5 attendees and to a multi-county or a statewide geographical area. If the event is confined to a specific geographical area and is not anticipated to attract participants from beyond that area, then the organizer should work with the local APA Florida Section.

    • At least one speaker is required.

    • Event should offer a professionally relevant experience for a planner with at least four years of experience.

    • Additional requirements apply to the ethics, law, equity, and sustainability and resilience CM events. Click here for more information.

  • Timeline for Partnering:

    • At least 45 days prior to the event, the organizer should contact the VP of Continuing Education to discuss the event, obtain the necessary forms, and review the timing of activities.

    • At least 30 days prior to the event and upon conclusion by the VP of Continuing Education that the event is eligible for CM credits, the organizer shall include the APA Florida logo on all materials related to the event.

    • At least 7 days prior to the event, all forms required for logging CM credits must be provided to the VP of Continuing Education.

    • If these minimum time frames cannot be met, then APA Florida will not co-host the session or sponsor the CM credits.

  • Post-Event Requirements

    • Organizer shall provide the registration log for AICP members seeking CM credits to the VP of Continuing Education no later than 7 days after the date of the educational event.

    • Organizer shall submit completed event evaluations to the VP of Continuing Education no later than 7 days after the date of the educational event.