APA Florida Distance Learning  | 1.25 CM Event #9187123  | Expires October 2020

PLEASE NOTE:  For the first 2 minutes, there is light audio. It is fine afterward.  

This mixup session applies the project management process to tactical urban projects using a knowledge café form of participation and dialogue. Formal project management processes usually apply to complex, long-term projects. Tactical urbanism projects are short-term, action-oriented and small-scale. The goal of this session is to learn from participants how formal project management processes might be applied on tactical urbanism projects. We will use the Knowledge Café process for dialogue and conversation to receive input from the participants on how formal project management processes might be used on tactical urbanism projects.

  • Learn primary components and requirements of tactical urbanism projects 
  • Learn key processes of project management
  • Learn and apply public participation technique of knowledge cafes for dialogue and input

This session addresses the Core Competencies of Communication and Interaction, specifically Public Participation and Relations, Plan Implementation and Placemaking, specifically Urban Design, and Management, specifically Project Management.

Download decks used in presentation here:  http://bit.ly/2OsSEGd (will download as a pdf)