Getting Nurses on Boards

Over the past two years, nurses have been heralded as first-responder heroes, and rightly so. Nurses are the backbone of any hospital or medical facility as they see first-hand the daily trauma and tragedies from man-made or natural disasters.
Nurses represent the largest segment of the healthcare workforce, are considered the most trustworthy of all professions, and play a huge role on the frontlines of care in our schools, hospitals, community health centers, long-term care facilities, and other places. Their perspective and influence should be present at decision-making tables. These are the women and men we need to shape policy and our communities as their experiences and sacrifices can help mitigate or stop future catastrophes.
The Nurses on Boards Coalition is committed to increasing nurses’ presence and influence on corporate, health-related, and other boards, panels, and commissions. Since its inception in 2014, the coalition has helped elect or place more than 10,000 nurses on boards nationwide. The unique perspective of nurses can significantly improve public health planning through all peripheries at the local, state, and national levels.
AARP co-founded the coalition, along with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and here in the Sunshine State, AARP’s Florida state office has been piloting a program to focus on getting nurses to serve on community and planning boards to advance age-friendly and livable communities policies. Enter APA Florida.
In the spring, APA Florida partnered with Nurses on Boards and AARP Florida to host a webinar to explain how the nurses can help planners expand public health options.
Nurses on Boards Frequently Asked Questions:
Are there any restrictions as to the type of role to engage with NOBC to identify nurses? NOBC is flexible, they will assist you in your search for one or more nurses to consider as members of your local boards and/or relevant local committees such as Arts and Planning, Transportation, Housing, Parks and Recreation, Citizen Engagement Committees, or other groups based on how you are structured and your specific needs.
What if the board or committee has its application portal, can we still work with NOBC to identify candidates? Yes, NOBC will direct candidates to your application portal.
What information is provided about the nurse candidates? Cover letter (including a summary of their qualifications and experience, and a statement on why they are interested in serving) and biography and/or resume.
Does NOBC review candidates before sharing with us? Yes, NOBC staff reviews each applicant’s cover letter and resume to ensure they meet the criteria.
Are there any costs associated with engaging with NOBC? No. Our collaboration is in support of our shared goals.
Is there a deadline for engaging with NOBC to identify nurses? No, we are all in this for the long term. You can contact NOBC at any time you have a need or interest.
What is the first step to starting the process to connect with nurses in my community? Complete this Find a Nurse – American Planning Association (APA) form.
For more information, please contact Storm Young, NOBC Operations, Relationships, and Stewardship Administrator, or Laurie Benson, NOBC Executive Director.