Looking for a way to get more involved with the APA Florida Chapter? Then reach out to your section leadership to help at that level, or sign up to be considered to join one of the following committees.

We are looking for members willing to give a little of their time and skills. Openings on these committees may be limited, but please let us know if you are interested in serving on one. More details on these can be found in the bylaws. (downloads as a pdf)

Bylaws Committee.  This committee reviews the Chapter bylaws every two years and presents recommendations for changes to the Executive Committee and subsequently to the membership for approval. This committee will be reviewing the bylaws in 2023.

Conference Committee. This committee, with the Host Section Conference Committee and Chapter Office staff, plan and implement the annual Florida Planning Conference.

Emerging Planners Group. This committee aims to add value to APA membership for emerging planners and tap into the energy, enthusiasm, and fresh ideas of emerging planners and professionals to further the chapter’s goals.

Editorial Committee. This committee establishes the quarterly digital magazine and monthly e-News & Notes themes and coordinates with authors regarding the provision of articles.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee. This committee focuses on social justice by working with the Executive Committee, sections, and membership to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of community planning and professional development.

Financial Planning Committee. This committee annually reviews the budget and its correlation to the chapter's Strategic Operating Plan to determine whether the targets are being achieved. The committee also identifies and recommends programs for ensuring the organization's financial health for long-term existence and viability.

Legislative Policy Committee. This committee convenes periodically to prepare the annual legislative priorities for action by the Executive Committee and, as needed, by the chapter membership and assists the chapter in implementing its legislative priorities.


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