APA Florida Statement on Jacksonville Shooting

APA Florida strongly condemns all acts of violence, hatred, and bigotry, including the disturbing rise of public acts against African Americans in our communities. We are appalled by the recent event in Jacksonville and hope the families, friends, and community of those senselessly killed can begin to grieve and heal.

As stated in the AICP Code of Ethics, planners must seek social justice and shall work to achieve social and racial equity. Planners must not be afraid to condemn acts of hatred and violence wherever, and whenever, we see them in our communities. This is essential when these acts are rooted in discrimination based on race, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin.

APA Florida remains committed to creating safe and inclusive communities that thrive through the diversity of its residents and leaders. We know that genuine dialogue reveals we have more in common and share similar values that shape our communities. We continue to stand with the Black community and to advocate for tolerance, equality, and inclusion and understanding in Florida’s communities.