Alexis Crespo, AICP, LEED AP (Candidate for Vice-President of Section Affairs)
Professional Experience:
- Currently serve as Vice President of Planning at RVi Planning + Landscape Architecture, where our purpose is to inspire people to be outside and engage in the community around them through thoughtful land planning and design. Lead a team of 12 incredibly talented planners in five offices across Florida, which include Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, Sarasota, Tampa and Orlando.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are important to RVi, and have played a key role in my hiring process for Planning staff in Florida. We’ve built a diverse team of 12 Planners that is 58 percent female, with seven international languages spoken amongst the group and four staff born and raised outside of the United States.
- Active my entire career in APA Florida, Florida Planning & Zoning Association, and Urban Land Institute, having served as Section Chair of Promised Lands Section for two (2) terms and FPZA State President from 2018-2019.
- Engaged, since starting my career in Southwest Florida in 2005, in both private and public sector work at various planning and engineering firms. Represented private developers in rezoning, comprehensive plan amendments, sector planning, annexations, and numerous other entitlement efforts.
- Worked for a range of public sector clientele, and am proud to have helped RVi (formerly Waldrop Engineering) build a current portfolio of 11 municipalities across Florida with Planning and/or Landscape Architecture continuing service agreements. I love the field of Planning and the diversity of experiences this career can offer.
Educational Background:
- Bachelor’s Degree in Urban & Regional Planning from Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario.
APA Florida/APA Experience:
- Received my AICP certification in 2008, as well as my certification in Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED-AP).
- Been an active member of the Promised Lands Section of APA Florida since 2005, joining the executive committee as Vice Chair in 2009. I served two terms as Section Chair and other capacities and have served over 10 years on the local executive committee. I am proud to have been awarded the section’s Roland Eastwood Planner of the Year in 2019 as recognition for years of service to the local executive committee, and for keeping events going regularly during my tenure.
Position Statement
I am running for VP of Section Affairs because I am passionate about APA Florida and the importance of having strong local sections to support our membership. In my role on the local Promised Lands Section, as well as in FPZA, I have coordinated dozens of events and would love to help each local Section rebuild or bolster their approach to planning strong in-person events as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.
I believe in a thoughtful balance between social/networking, educational, and philanthropic engagement to fully engage the membership. In my role at RVi, I regularly travel throughout the state to our five offices, which makes me a unique fit to help all of APA FL’s sections.
It would be an honor to serve APA and the membership through the executive committee.