Kathie Ebaugh, FAICP (Candidate for Vice President of Conference Services)

Professional Experience:

  • Planning Director, JBPro, Gainesville (2022-current)
  • Planning Director, Lee County School District and Sarasota County School District (2014-2022)
  • Planner, Lee County Board of County Commissioners, Bell David Planning Group, and the City of Venice (2004-2012)
  • Out of State Planner, Baltimore Main Streets and York County Economic Development Corporation (1997-2002)

Educational Background:

  • MPA, Florida Gulf Coast University
  • M.C.R.P., Morgan State University
  • B.S, Towson State University

APA/APA Florida Experience:

  • APA Florida Executive Committee, VP Conference Services (2012-2016)
  • APA Florida Conference Committee Chair, Naples (2012) and Tampa (2010),
  • Conference Committee, St Petersburg (2009)
  • APA Florida Communications Committee (2022-Current)
  • Section Boards for San Felasco (Current), Promised Lands (2010-2012), and Sun Coast (2007-2010)
  • Founding Administrator, Florida Women in Planning Facebook Group (2014-Current)
  • Committee Member, AICP Exam Evaluation and Update (2021)


  • AICP College of Fellows, 2024
  • American Institute of Certified Planners, 2006

Position Statement

If you attended the Florida Planning Conference (FPC) in the last 20 years you may have noticed me buzzing around the conference center—always in sneakers and a dress. Florida planners value the conference because of the many professional development and personal growth opportunities to:

  • Build life-long friendships;
  • Expand and diversify knowledge, learn best planning practices, and attain AICP credits;
  • Acquire tangible interpersonal and technical skills; and
  • Develop team building, public speaking, project management, and leadership experience.

By exposing planners to new ideas, introducing people with different experiences and backgrounds, and promoting career development, FPC is fundamental to each of our personal and professional successes.

Uniquely Qualified Conference Planner

Having participated as a presenter, committee member, and state committee, I have a unique awareness of FPC’s value and recognize how the conference develops and broadens planning skills, abilities, and collaborative networks. My unique experience gives me the tools and understanding to be the VP of Conference Services.

Assurance for Exceptional and Expanded Opportunities

As VP of Conference Services, I will ensure FPC provides exceptional conference experience by expanding professional opportunities that:

  1. Engage and involve planners in web-based training, section partnerships, and magazine articles;
  2. Build mentorships and collaborative planning relationships;
  3. Enable all sections to become active participants in conference activities; and
  4. Engage attendees in hands-on community planning projects and volunteer activities.

Like many of you, FPC fuels my passion for planning by exciting me about what can be, invigorating me to try new ways of working, and inspiring me to do great work. I would be honored to use my extensive FPC experiences to serve the chapter once again as your VP of Conference Services