Professional Experience:

  • Founding Principal at Plusurbia Design (2009-present). A firm dedicated to Planning Policy and Urban Design.
  • Associate Professor at the University of Miami School of Architecture (2010-present)
  • Advisory Committee Member at the University of South Florida’s Master of Urban Regional Planning (2024-present).

Educational Background:

  • Master of Architecture (University of Miami)
  • Master of Urban Design (University of Miami)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (UNC at Charlotte)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies - Minor (UNC at Charlotte)

APA/APA Florida Experience:

  • Immediate Past Chair Gold Coast Section (2022-present)
  • APA Florida Gold Coast Section Chair (2020-2022)
  • APA Florida Gold Coast Communications Officer (2020-2022)

APA/APA Florida Awards & Honors:

  • 2022 APA Florida Gold Coast Award of Excellence (West Grove Affordable Housing Blueprint)
  • 2021 APA Florida Award of Merit (Wynwood Norte Community Vision Plan)
  • 2021 APA Florida Award of Merit (Shenandoah Historic Properties Inventory)
  • 2019 APA Florida Award of Excellence (Little Havana Me Importa Revitalization Plan)
  • 2019 APA Florida Award of Merit (Coconut Grove Village Core Master Plan)
  • 2019 APA Florida Gold Coast Award of Excellence (Little Havana Me Importa Revitalization Plan)
  • 2019 APA Florida Gold Coast Award of Merit (Coconut Grove Village Core Master Plan)
  • 2019 APA Florida Gold Coast Award of Excellence (Miami’s TODs - Tri-Rail Coastal Link Stations)
  • 2017 APA Florida Merit Award (Hialeah Transit Oriented Development Plan)
  • 2017 APA National (Wynwood Neighborhood Revitalization)
  • 2016 APA Florida 2016 Award of Excellence (Wynwood Neighborhood Revitalization)
  • 2015 APA Gold Coast Chapter 2015 (Wynwood Neighborhood Revitalization)
  • 2015 APA Great Places in America (Wynwood Neighborhood Revitalization)

Position Statement

FOSTERING SECTION COLLABORATION: In my years in practice, I have found that the key to our profession lies in good communication and collaboration. I am running for Vice Chair of Section Affairs for the Florida APA organization with the firm belief that fostering Section collaboration and providing guidance and support from the Chapter are crucial elements in serving our members effectively. My conviction comes from the understanding that each Section within our organization holds unique challenges and offers exceptional opportunities. By enhancing collaboration, we can share best practices, streamline efforts, and leverage collective knowledge to address local and state-wide planning issues more efficiently. This approach enriches our organization's capacity to serve, strengthening our professional network, and creates a vibrant planning community well-equipped to advance our profession across Florida.

SERVE AND SUPPORT OUR MEMBERS: Drawing on my experience in the private sector, I have had the privilege of building and nurturing relationships throughout the state. These connections span various stakeholders, including industry leaders, local government officials, and community organizations, which are invaluable assets to our Chapter. As Vice Chair of Section Affairs, I am committed to strengthening these bonds further and expanding on supporting each section individually. My goal is to ensure that every member feels supported and has access to the resources they need to excel in their professional endeavors. This commitment to individual support is not just a promise but a core value that I will uphold. Doing so can enhance our services across the board, leading to an improved organizational offering for all members statewide. This commitment to service excellence and community building is at the heart of why I am eager to take on this role and contribute positively to our shared vision for the future of planning in Florida.