Doug Kelly, AICP (Candidate for Vice President of Professional Development)

Professional Experience:

10+ years Public Sector (Development Review Planner), 20+ years Private Sector Land Development Manager

  • ETM, Inc. – Land Development Planning Manager (current), Orlando
  • GAI Consultants/Community Solutions Group, Orlando
  • Atwell-Hicks Land Development Consultants, Tampa
  • MSCW, Inc. (aka VHB), Orlando
  • Canin Associates, Orlando
  • Gainesville, Seminole County and Volusia County Planning Departments

Educational Background:

  • MAURP University of Florida (1992)

APA/APA Florida Experience:

  • APA Florida State Vice-President of Section Affairs – 2 terms
  • Past President (2 terms), Secretary and Director for APA Florida Orlando Metro Section
  • Served on the 2001, 2012, 2020, 2022-24, State APA Florida Conference Sub-committees and 2 National APA Conference Session Sub-committees.
  • Orlando Metro Section AICP Exam Training instructor for 11 years
  • Past State President/Vice-President and Central Fla President of FPZA

Position Statement

APA Florida, the second largest chapter in the U.S. has consistently been a solid chapter, with passionate leadership broadly representing both the public and private sector. Where we lead other state chapters often follow. If elected, at the end of the term, I want our members to be able to say, “APA Florida has provided outstanding professional development opportunities and support, many of which were at little to no cost; and secondly, “that our profession and APA Florida is more recognized and more respected for our contribution to local communities than in any other time in our history.” To that end, I have 4 major initiatives:

  1. Advocating and promoting our profession as a recognized and primary resource for improving our communities; we are a unique and diverse membership highly skilled and knowledgeable working all sides of community issues to find solutions. I will work to expand our professional recognition in Florida so that we are viewed as the primary resource and educational partner in creating great communities in concert with our state university planning programs.
  2. As a previous VP of Section Affairs, I will advocate for increased funding to support local section programs and educational opportunities to ensure you receive the full benefit of your membership, after all you've paid for that service.
  3. I will support efforts to increase diversity in educational opportunities for our membership and especially for our emerging professionals working with the allied professions that we collaborate with on a daily basis.
  4. In the first quarter, I will survey our membership to solicit your input, to evaluate current professional development opportunities and most importantly, membership satisfaction and pursue a plan to exceed your expectations during the next two years.

Thank you!