Chapter Chats: Your Opportunity to Connect with APA Florida Leaders

APA Florida President Allara Mills-Gutcher, AICP, will host a series of virtual Chapter Chats to give members the opportunity to ask questions, give input, or share ideas about how we can improve your member experience and have a deeper understanding of our operations. Each time a different Executive Committee member will join Allara and our Executive Director Stefanie Svisco to discuss chapter initiatives and goals and what we are doing to fulfill the chapter’s mission.
This is your chance to connect with chapter leaders.
The first chat will be on Feb. 21 at noon ET. Tony Palermo, Vice President of Membership & Outreach Services, will join Allara. On April 18, Secretary Jerry Bell, AICP, will discuss the forthcoming chapter bylaws update. Additional chats will be announced in coming weeks.
Please join us!