APA Florida Housing Clearinghouse
Florida is amid a housing crisis. Housing affordability is no longer a stand-alone issue, but one that is increasingly linked to economic development, transportation, and resilience policy. Planners across the state need resources and guidance to help navigate housing needs, strategy and policy that fits the context of their community. APA Florida is creating an ad hoc group of planning experts in affordable housing development and policy that will provide quick response guidance to individuals, organizations, and communities seeking to access best practices, case studies, and relevant research that can be used to support plans and proposals for housing throughout Florida across the urban, suburban and rural transect.
The Chapter is seeking interest from 10-15 members who would like to serve as part of this clearinghouse. We are looking for a cross-section of planners who represent the academic, local government, and development perspectives. The work of the clearinghouse will consist of periodic virtual meetings but will primarily focus on responding to requests for information and policy insights for state, regional and local governments. The clearinghouse will also provide quick response to state and federal legislation, and local ordinance review. The clearinghouse will be augmented by APA Florida’s Communications Committee and its Legislative & Policy Committee.