Jim Barnes, AICP CEP (Candidate for Vice-President for Professional Development)

Professional Experience:
- Village of Wellington, 2003 – Present, Assistant Village Manager and chief resiliency officer (previously held positions of Assistant Director of Community Services, Deputy Director of Engineering and & Environmental Services, Director of Parks and Recreation, and Director of Operations)
- Palm Beach County, 1994 – 2003, Project Manager (previously held positions of Regulatory Specialist, Special Projects Coordinator, Manager – Procurement & Projects, and Manager – Facilities Compliance)
- Stanley Consultants, Inc., 1990 – 1994, Project Manager (lead professional for ADA-DRI engagements, local government entitlement processing, and FDOT PD&E engagements)
- Palm Beach County, 1988 – 1990, Planner (comprehensive planning experience with Conservation, Coastal Management, Parks & Recreation, Historic Preservation, and Infrastructure Elements for 1990 Comprehensive Plan)
- Over 30 years of experience in the public and private sector in environmental planning, development, and local government administration
- Board Member of Florida Green Building Coalition
- Board Member of Florida Planning & Zoning Association
Educational Background:
- Bachelor of Arts in Geography – Major: Urban & Regional Planning, Florida Atlantic University, 1988
- Credentialed Manager, ICMA
- Certified Parks & Recreation Professional, NRPA
- Certified GIS Professional, GISCI
APA Florida/APA Experience:
- AICP, 1994 – Present, Certification No. 010530
- Advanced Specialty Certification in Environmental Planning, 2011 – Present
- APA Urban Design & Preservation Division Leadership Committee, 2014 – Present
- Previous APA Florida Treasure Coast Section Board member
- Frequent presenter at local, state, and national APA AICP CM sessions
Position Statement
Notwithstanding the challenges 2020 has ushered in, it’s a great time to be a planner in Florida! We have experienced widespread changes in our communities, in our profession, and across our country, but our profession is best prepared to help communities meet the challenges of the future. As you work hard to solve problems and make your community a great place, so should APA Florida, as your professional organization, work to support you. Planners similar to many other professions, receive and participate in great technical training in school as well as continuing education as a planner. The technical, subject matter specific training and education is great but does not provide for a complete planner ready to handle the other challenges of professional life including soft skills so very critical in the workplace, nor supervisory, and leadership skills that benefit planners at any level. Accordingly, we must provide a valuable SERVICE to our membership. This includes developing and supporting affordable and locally accessible training, professional development and networking opportunities. In this way we can develop LEADERSHIP for the future. I continue to be inspired by the enthusiasm, energy and ideas that the many bright young planners in our state bring to the conversation. They should be engaged and invited to participate as the leaders of tomorrow. Helping them, and planning students, become better complete planners, makes planning a better profession.
I am committed to continuing the strong traditions of APA Florida and advancing great planning in our communities. We can continue these traditions by developing well-rounded planners with technical as well as soft skills. Thank you for taking the time to read these statements and casting your vote in this election. I hope that you will give me the privilege of continuing my service to APA Florida.