Charles Barmby, AICP CTP (Candidate for Vice-President for Section Affairs)

charles barmby vp section affairs
Professional Experience:              

  • City of Lakeland, Transportation and Development Review Manager (2016-Current)
  • City of Lakeland, Transportation Planner (2001-2004, 2004-2016)
  • Collier County MPO, Principal Planner and MPO Manager (2004-2006)
  • Lee County MPO, Senior Transportation Planner (1996-1999)
  • Polk TPO, Planner I – Senior Transportation Planner (1994-1996, 1999-2001)
  • Hillsborough County MPO, Planning Technician-Contract (1993)

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Tampa (1992)

APA Florida/APA Experience:

  • American Institute of Certified Planners (1999-Present)
  • Certified Transportation Planner (2011-Present)
  • Heart of Florida Section Chair (2002)
  • Heart of Florida Section Vice-Chair (2001)
  • Heart of Florida Section, Legislative Policy Committee Representative (2019-Present)

Position Statement

Our profession is at a critical crossroads.  We must demonstrate the value of planning to our clients, elected officials and communities during a time of competing demands.  Managing the rapid growth that our communities are experiencing, preparing for or recovering from natural disasters and pandemics, planning infrastructure investments and creating resilient communities—we must have all of the available tools at our disposal.  Our Sections must be provided with the necessary resources to meet these challenges throughout the diverse regions of Florida. 

I will tirelessly work with the rest of your APA Florida Executive Committee to secure programs that add value to the work of each Section’s membership.  I will work with your Section’s leadership to identify networking and volunteer opportunities that meet APA standards and your unique needs. With private and public budgets becoming more constrained, it is more difficult for our Sections to fund events that raise the profiles of APA Florida and our profession—I will look for creative ways that Sections can partner with their neighbors to create more cost effective ways to participate in your organization.  I grew up in the Panhandle and have worked in Central and Southwest Florida during my professional career.  I believe that I bring a unique understanding of our communities to the table to support our membership.

I appreciate your vote and look forward to working with you to continue the high standards that have been set by APA, APA Florida and your Sections.