Allison Megrath, AICP (Candidate for President-Elect)
Professional Experience:
- Senior Land Planner, Kimley-Horn
- President, Megrath Consulting, Inc.
- Industrial Development Manager, Weyerhaeuser (Plum Creek)
- Principal, Land Planning Solutions
- Senior Planner, WilsonMiller
Educational Background:
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Part 58, Environmental Training
- ULI Women’s Leadership Institute
- Dale Carnegie Graduate
- Leadership Lake City
- Leadership Gainesville
- University of Toronto, Bachelor of Arts, Urban Studies, 1993
APA Florida/APA Experience
- APA Ambassador, 2020
- APA Florida Vice President of Professional Development 2018-2020
- APA Florida Delegate at National Planning Conference 2006, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020
- APA Economic Development Division Member 2015-present
- APA Florida Project Awards Committee Chair 2011-2013
- APA Small Town and Rural Planning Division Member 2007-present
- APA Florida Legislative Policy Committee, At Large Member, 2004-present
- Promised Lands Section, Chair 2007-2009
- APA Florida Conference Committee, Naples, FL 2006
- Promised Lands Section, Vice Chair 2005-2007
Position Statement
Serving as your Vice President for Professional Development has provided many opportunities to connect with Florida’s planners. Facilitating the FAICP nomination process, convening the Section Professional Development Officers, guiding AICP Examinees, and effecting the AICP Reduced Exam Fee Scholarship Program, gave me insight into the careers and accomplishments of so many of you. I will be fulfilling this term humbly in awe of what so many of you do to make your, rather, to make our - communities better. For this, I thank you.
My primary goals for serving as your President-Elect are as follows:
Diversity: Diversity in all aspects – age, race, culture, education, experience, sexual orientation, income, disability, geography, etc. – will be important to me. As your PDO, I witnessed the benefit of working with diverse groups to strive for equity and inclusion that is representative of all of our communities.
Collaboration: Coming together internally and with allied professionals will be more important than ever given the financial implications from COVID-19. Choices will be made about allocating our funds. I believe this will lead to more partnerships to share resources. It’s time to be creative and excel.
Advocacy: We need to be more vigilant than ever in these fast changing times. We must strongly advocate for better planning practices and funding from the federal, state and local governments for our urban areas and our rural towns. Our collective voice can change national policies that guide sound planning for our future.
Mentorship: Extending a helping hand to fellow planners young and old, formally educated or not, will be another focus for me. It is our duty to pass our knowledge along to encourage professional development among our peers.
After 27 years I know my time to best serve you is now. Leading APA Florida would be my privilege.