Broward MPO SS4A Solicitation Action Plan
The Broward Metropolitan Organization will be advertising for consultant services to develop a Broward Regional Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. The Broward MPO and Broward County were awarded a $5 million Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Action Plan grant on January 31, 2023. As we approach an official advertisement, please visit our website. We will be continuously updating the website with more information as well as a Project Description in the next few weeks.
We would like to invite you to join us for a Webinar on July 27 from 1:30 - 2:30 pm where we will be discussing the scope of services prior to the advertising period. Please register here.
Following the webinar, we will be allowing 2 weeks for virtual meetings with us for 30 minutes between July 31st to August 10th. We strongly encourage consultants to consider teaming to provide a variety of expertise to help us improve safety in the Broward Region. If you would like to reserve a time slot to ask questions to prepare for the upcoming solicitation, please book a time slot here. We are expecting to open an advertisement for a Request for Qualifications in mid-August.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out at
We look forward to speaking with your team on how the Broward MPO and Broward County can prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries in Broward County! We will see you on July 27 at our Webinar.
Deadline: July 27
Information here.