American Water Works Association (2010).  Sustainable Water Resources: A Compendium of Issues and Trends; Chapter 27 – Sustainability and Florida Water Supplies. pp. 285-301. One chapter case study discussion of sustainable water resources in southern Florida, with a few cost estimates for various technologies.

FULL STUDY ($57/AWWA members)

Environmental Protection Agency (December, 2012).  National Water Program 2012 Strategy: Response to Climate Change.  EPA-850-K-12-004. 124pp. EPA report addressing the emerg­ing scientific consensus on the potential impacts of climate change on water resources, and the adaptation planning necessary to meet those impacts.

The Urban Land Institute – Ernest & Young (2010). Infrastructure 2010: Investment Imperative. 91pp. ULI in depth analysis and policy discussion of global water infrastructure trends and issues, including a case study discussion of Miami.


GEORGIA – DNR’s Sustainability Division Website. The Georgia Sustainability Division website includes a Best Practices Directory and a Sustainable Office Toolkit with modules, resources and tools meant to assist governmental offices with moving towards sustainability through practices such as recycling, energy and water conservation, and “green” building.

ICLEI (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES) 2009 – Sustainability Planning Toolkit. 55 pp. The toolkit developed by ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability includes best practices to develop a local sustainability plan for varying size jurisdictions, and is based upon the planning model pioneered by the City of New York for its well-known PlaNYC sustainability plan.

MASSACHUSETTS – Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit. Information on planning, zoning, subdivision, site design, web  links, and building construction techniques that can make smart growth and smart energy a reality. Includes modules, case studies, links, a glossary, and model ordinances (i.e. called “bylaws”)

OREGON APA – OAPA Sustainable Planning Toolkit. A link-based Oregon APA website of tools and strategies for integrating sustainability into comprehensive, long-term planning in Oregon. The site features brief summaries of identified tools and projects, along with links for accessing more detailed information.