AICP Recognition
AICP & AICP Candidate Members
APA Florida is proud of our 1,600+ members who are members of the American Institute of Certified Planners (designated as AICP). We want to congratulate our most recent members as well as celebrate those members who have committed to maintaining their certification through the years.
For more information on the May exam, study guides and groups, please visit the AICP Exam & Preparation page.
Congratulations to the following 64 members who passed the AICP Certification Test in November 2024:
Meredith Abel | Alexia Howald | Patrick Murray |
Maria Bazemore | Elaine-Mae Ignacio | Sandra Narh |
Robert Bernhart | Angeline Jacobs | Harrison Nichols |
John Bibler | Simone Kenny | Stephen O'Connor |
Josh Blackman | Ishan Keskar | Kelsey Olinger |
Thomas Brandenstein | Ahsan Khalil | Keaton Osborn |
David Caplen | Rachel Kling | Anna Perry |
Calvin Clarke | Kurt Krier | Alexandra Quintero |
George Da Guia | Mara Latorre | Arceli Redila |
Amish Dave | Cindy Leal Brizuela | Marylluvia Resendiz |
Slade Downs | Haiden Lewis | Jason Sartorio |
Alex Eide | Tarek Lotfy Kamal | Lillian Savage |
Braydon Evans | Connor Macdonald | Jack Shad |
Benjamin Gordon | Surieska Martirena | Katherine Shafer |
Bryce Grame | Sarah Mastison | Jarrell Smith |
Michael Greco | Chloe McCrary | Jesse Stokes |
Bethany Grubbs | David Melito | Emily Thomas |
Alaina Grundy | Bert Miller | Max Van Allen |
Stacey Hectus | George Missimer | Sabrina Viteri |
Rama Hiba | Armin Rahman Mouly | Robert Werthamer |
Arianna Hilliard | James Murphy | Jennifer Willman |
Serena Hoermann |
Download a list of all 1,637 AICP, AICP Candidate, and FAICP members here