2019 APA Florida Legislative Program, Position and Policy Statements

 Introduction and User Overview:

Approved at Annual Meeting on Sept. 11, 2018

The American Planning Association (APA) and its professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), are organized to advance the art and science of planning and to foster the activity of planning – physical, economic, and social – at the local, regional, state, and national levels. The objective of the Association is to encourage planning efforts that will contribute to the public well-being by creating communities and environments that meet the needs of people and of society more effectively as well as meeting the challenges engendered by our changing society.

The Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association serves APA members in the state, and is the state-level resource for networking and professional development. The Chapter provides members the opportunity to share experiences with colleagues and to broaden perspectives. The Chapter holds an annual conference, educational workshops and professional development seminars, AICP exam preparation courses, and produces a newsletter. APA Florida also conducts legislative programs, sponsors training workshops, conducts an awards program, provides input to various elected officials, and provides public information to and about the planning profession.

APA Florida’s Legislative Program and Positions represent a general consensus of the Chapter’s views on the diverse areas of interest found in professional planning related to the State’s annual Legislative Session. Developed over time, there is a consistency over the years intended to offer background and guidance as issues evolve, emerge or change on an annual basis. Similarly, the Chapter’s major priorities remain constant, unless significant legislative initiatives surface requiring reordering.

The Program is adopted by the members as part of the annual business meeting at APA Florida’s Annual Conference. This ensures regular updates and timely support. It is regularly reviewed and updated by the Chapter’s Legislative Policy Committee (LPC), made up of representatives of each local Section and numerous at-large appointments ensuring depth and breadth of expertise. The LPC submits the Program for review to APA Florida’s elected Executive Committee before the annual meeting, where it is adopted as is or with amendments. General members unable to attend the annual meeting may vote on it by proxy.

The Key Position Statements are intended as an easy aid for any APA Florida member to use articulating APA Florida’s position to one of their Legislators. It can also simplify a member’s focus and foster the use of APA Florida’s positions to communicate the Chapter’s position on issues arising before local and regional decision-makers. This format has been successful in broadening APA Florida’s impact and increasing its effectiveness as the Chapter works with its Sections to expand the planning constituency through participating in the legislative process.

The balance of the Positions assist and guide members, the Executive Committee, the Legislative Representative and the Chapter Office in allocating time and resources when responding to and prioritizing the overwhelming volume of issues that arise during the annual 60-day Legislative Session. It enables the APA Florida leadership to refine and adapt the Chapter’s legislative response to meet its most pressing needs and those of the profession. It further benefits the Executive Committee and Legislative Policy Committee, which convene on a year-round basis, in being able to articulate a stand on issues between annual meetings.


Our Mission. The APA Florida provides statewide leadership in the development of sustainable communities by advocating excellence in planning, providing professional development for its members, serving as the state’s collective technical resource, and working to protect and enhance the natural and built environments. You can download a PDF of the this page here

General Objectives:

  • APA Florida is committed to an integrated and coordinated planning system in Florida with clearly delineated state, regional and local planning responsibilities.
  • APA believes meaningful state oversight functions should be performed by a single state land planning agency.
  • APA Florida is committed to promoting, protecting and preserving sustainable and well-planned neighborhoods, communities, cities and rural areas; and good quality functionally connected natural areas throughout Florida.
  • APA Florida supports visioning at the state, regional and local levels, to foster economic development, create jobs, and promote a healthy statewide economy. The state’s vision should set the framework for future growth, economic opportunity, patterns of development and preservation of a high quality of life for all Floridians.
  • APA Florida supports local government access to traditional and innovative funding mechanisms to fully fund existing and future infrastructure needs.
  • APA Florida is committed to promoting resilient and sustainable communities through sound planning principles that promote alternative energy usage and production, efficient resource utilization, and sustainable resource management practices.
  • APA Florida supports outstanding Florida communities and regions in offering safe, dynamic, equitable, convenient, attractive and healthful environments with employment and economic opportunities, friendly neighborhoods, and equal access to a high quality of life, including education, recreation, and personal growth opportunities for all generations.
  • APA Florida believes that communities should be planned and guided by planning professionals who strive to bring vibrancy and permanency to the built environment, while preserving the natural environment.
To that end, APA Florida supports:
  • Legislative revisions that strengthen, improve and integrate current planning processes consistent with Florida’s long-standing commitment to growth management, sustainable economic development, and healthy communities.
  • APA Florida supports a balanced approach among public and private sector perspectives in state, regional and local planning, policy development and decision-making that does not preempt local government authority.
  • Long-range land and resource management that conserves, protects, and enhances the state’s natural resources.
  • Planning policy that better integrates the siting and planning of significant land uses and includes greater public/private cooperation and accountability.
  • An open and collaborative planning process that includes meaningful and responsible citizen participation and emphasizes dispute resolution alternatives as a preferred option to litigation.


(Please note: The Chapter’s policies are listed below in alphabetical order, not in order of priority.)

Adequate Public Facilities: APA Florida supports programs that ensure that the impacts to public infrastructure and facilities (in particular, schools, transportation, water and wastewater) that occur as a result of new development are adequately mitigated in a timely and financially feasible manner and that the construction of infrastructure is compatible with the character of the local community. APA Florida supports revisions to Florida’s growth management laws provided the revisions assure accountability to the public and a dedicated, recurring source of funding for the mitigation.

Affordable Housing: Shelter is a basic human need. Housing issues remain tantamount in meeting the needs of the State’s current and future workforce. APA Florida supports efforts to incentivize the location efficient siting of affordable housing options, such as the Sadowski Affordable Housing Act.

Annexation: APA Florida supports annexation policies or legislation that provide coordinated land use planning and efficient provision of infrastructure and services between cities and counties.

Brownfields: Brownfields are abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial properties where expansion, reuse, or redevelopment may be complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. They are a tool for local governments to use for marketing and enhancing redevelopment and economic development of existing developed sites previously overlooked due to perceived environmental problems or past activities that might have created environmental concerns. While cleanup of contaminated sites is the ultimate goal of Brownfields activities, the program itself is primarily designed to allow redevelopment and revitalization of community areas that have been abandoned by commerce and industry. APA Florida supports funding to provide sufficient additional tax credits and other incentives to ensure the continued success of Florida's Brownfield Programs in the future.

Carbon Sequestration/Credits: Water and carbon management are of rising importance to institutional investors and result in benefits such as cost savings and energy efficiencies. To promote Florida as a desirable location for investment by institutional investors and for economic development, APA Florida supports laws, regulations, and policies that reward companies for implementing programs such as those that reduce energy use in their supply chain, invest in energy efficiencies, voluntarily report their carbon emissions that can be independently verified, and have internal practices that incentivize emission reductions. APA Florida supports the promotion of carbon sequestration and a carbon credit system, through the use of agriculture, silviculture, urban forestry practices and the continued protection of natural systems, and the implementation of cap-and-trade and other methods of achieving GHG reduction targets which create a market for carbon credits.

Citizen Participation: APA Florida strongly supports citizen access and public input to the planning process and is committed to improving citizen involvement. APA Florida supports an open and collaborative planning process that encourages meaningful citizen participation through reasonable notice, open public records and accessibility to all stages of the planning process, as well as promoting the use of citizen participation best practices at the local level.

Citizen Standing: Citizen standing and public participation are fundamental to an effective growth management process. APA Florida supports the rights of citizens to meaningfully participate in the planning process and will oppose proposals to weaken citizen standing. Judicial decisions impacting citizen standing should be reviewed periodically to consider whether legislative amendments are necessary. APA further supports the adoption and implementation of appropriate review standards to ensure a consistent and fair development review process for all participants in order to minimize the potential for disputes, and the utilization of dispute resolution alternatives as a preferred method to reduce litigation.

Climate Change: The scientific evidence on climate change is that the Earth's climate system is definitely warming, and it is very likely that humans are a major cause of it through activities such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels that increase concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Most scientists also agree there are climate change impacts that are irreversible and that are likely to get worse. Florida is particularly vulnerable to impacts associated with climate change. These impacts include but are not limited to more frequent heat waves and droughts, stronger tropical storms and higher storm surges, drier conditions in some regions and wetter conditions in others, and rising sea levels as glaciers melt and ocean waters warm and expand. Natural and built environments are at risk from climate change. In planning for our future, both mitigation and adaptation to climate change and its impacts are needed to maintain a safe, attractive and resilient environment for residents and businesses in Florida. Adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its impacts is important for the State’s overall economy and the jobs that support it, business investments, infrastructure, the health of its people, and the conservation of its natural resources and protection of its natural amenities. APA Florida supports a growth management system at the state, regional and local level which recognizes and provides plans, incentives, standards, and regulations that address climate change adaptation and mitigation. APA Florida supports policies and programs, including APA’s Climate Change Policy Guide, that will reduce long- term risk, promote economic development and sustainability, and provide transparent disclosure of the risk associated with climate change. APA Florida also supports state, regional and local policies, plans and safe development practices that promote sustainable Disaster Resistant Communities as a component of climate change resilience.

Economic Development: APA Florida supports sound planning and incentives that attract economically diverse mixed land uses to expand state and local economic bases and high quality employment opportunities while sustaining a high quality of life. Sustainable and quality economic development requires good planning and appropriate intergovernmental coordination, including strong state support, incentives and flexibility for local governments for attracting, retaining, and expanding targeted industries. To do so, all levels of government should ensure:

  • availability of appropriately entitled land and statewide economic development assistance and incentives, consistent with each region’s adopted Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy;
  • adequate infrastructure;
  • conservation of high value ecosystems, natural land areas, and coastlines that attract employers and tourists alike;
  • an appropriate mix of housing choices; and
  • the availability of affordable quality education and training.

Energy Policy: APA Florida supports a State Energy Policy to meet the needs of the population of the State of Florida consistent with efficient conservation of natural resources, multi-modal transportation and flexible local land use planning programs that encourage a mix of uses. A statewide Energy Policy should provide incentives for renewable energy projects and programs that create jobs, redevelop existing buildings and infrastructure, attract and retain existing businesses, and encourage the location of new industries in Florida, without compromising the State’s natural resources. State, regional and local policies should encourage the manufacturing, distribution and use of alternative and renewable energy sources rather than methods such as hydraulic fracturing which significantly and negatively impact surface or sub-surface water and other environmental resources.

Equity: APA Florida supports statutes and rules that promote economic, environmental, and social equity. APA Florida supports balancing individual property rights with the interests of the public-at-large.

Everglades Restoration: APA Florida supports Everglades Restoration and, to that end, encourages affected local governments to incorporate the needs of this restoration program into their land use decisions and comprehensive planning processes.

Finance & Taxation: APA Florida supports an equitable approach to finance and taxation that enables communities to adequately address local needs and priorities. APA Florida supports simplifying and stabilizing Florida’s state and local revenue structure to provide diverse and adequate fiscal resources to fully fund the existing and future infrastructure needs of the state on a continuing basis. APA Florida supports the re-examination of Florida’s tax system to address inequities in such areas as ad valorem taxation and sales tax exemptions. APA Florida supports the creation of local options for taxation that may be necessary to enable communities to finance local needs.

Fiscally Sound Planning: APA Florida supports comprehensive planning as an important foundation for economic development and job creation. These goals can only be realized if community infrastructure needs are fully funded. Local governments should be able to pursue flexible state and local option revenue sources to meet these important goals.

Florida Forever Act: APA Florida is a member of the Florida Forever Coalition and supports funding for the Florida Forever Act. Furthermore, APA Florida opposes any diversion of funds from this program for other uses. APA Florida supports innovative land protection acquisition strategies.

Funding: Effective planning and growth management requires adequate funding to address the challenges of Florida’s growth. APA Florida supports provision of adequate funding for sound planning and growth management capabilities at all levels of government, with State Government being of primary importance as a model for regional and local efforts.

Governmental Roles: The State of Florida, local governments, Regional Planning Councils and other entities of Florida government each play a vital role in planning and growth management matters. APA Florida supports adjusting governmental roles to acknowledge and respect the capabilities of local and regional entities, implementing the vision of individual communities, and meeting the long-term needs of the public at large. Legislative authority to support local planning and zoning options within the state framework is preferable to legislative mandate. A cohesive, well-conceived plan is needed toward this end, including appropriate incentives, safeguards and evaluation mechanisms.

Hazard Mitigation: APA Florida supports the integration of hazard mitigation principles into the local comprehensive planning process, including post-disaster redevelopment planning for both coastal and inland communities.

Healthy Communities: APA Florida encourages a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach to planning, redeveloping, and retrofitting communities that consider the health impact that the built environment has on the people that live, work, and play there. To ensure we are planning healthy communities, APA Florida supports the measurement and monitoring of community health indicators, using the best available information, such as rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, regular exercise, and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables; and the collaboration of planners with public health officials, public and civic organizations, and private business to improve them. APA Florida supports programs designed to ensure the ongoing viability of agriculture in communities, and expansion of new opportunities for local and regional food systems and urban agriculture, such as community gardens, farmers markets, and local produce stands.

Impact/Mobility Fees: APA Florida supports the ability of local governments to establish a system of impact fees based on local needs in accordance with existing case law. APA Florida supports, a structure of impact fees, or mobility fees based on a locally adopted mobility plan, as funding for additional capacity needs to address the impacts created by new development. The fee payment amount should ensure that developers are not charged twice for the same improvement; that total long-term costs are considered; and that public subsidies, investments or costs to be borne by others are transparent.

Infrastructure Planning: APA Florida supports intergovernmental coordination to secure and allocate scarce resources for the construction of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, transit systems, trails and sidewalks, stormwater and wastewater reuse systems, schools and related infrastructure, more efficient capital improvements planning, governmental and public-private partnerships, shared use of systems, and the application of a wide range of funding tools including bonding, grants, tax increment financing, and matching appropriation from multiple governmental levels to satisfy the demand for infrastructure maintenance and improvements.

Intergovernmental and Regional Coordination: APA Florida supports a number of approaches to ensure that communities and agencies work with outside partners so that potential development impacts and collaborative opportunities can be assessed regionally.

  • APA Florida supports revisions to growth management law(s) that will assure that the intent of the statute regarding regional review and intergovernmental coordination is maintained as a requirement under Chapter 380.06 FS and Chapter 163.3177 5 (4)(a) FS.
  • APA Florida supports implementation of a comprehensive planning process that will address regional and intergovernmental impacts of major development in order to understand and plan for the regional and extra-jurisdictional impacts of development in order to maintain and enhance a strong Florida economy and a sound Florida environment.
  • APA Florida supports efforts to minimize unintended and unmitigated extra- jurisdictional impacts and to ensure that the mitigation of impacts occur in a timely manner. Such efforts could be through historically significant processes such as the Development of Regional Impact programs, or the newer process such as Sector Planning, but should be coordinated at all levels and for all sizes of development exhibiting significant impacts across jurisdictional boundaries.
  • APA Florida supports growth management processes that will adequately serve to ensure that developments are sufficiently reviewed for their regional impacts to ensure necessary intergovernmental coordination for the mitigation of regional impacts.

Integrated Transportation and Land Use Planning: APA Florida supports and advocates statutes and rules, including close coordination of MPOs, transit, transportation authorities, FDOT and local governments, to provide for the integration of land use and transportation planning. APA Florida further supports the development and implementation of context-sensitive transportation solutions appropriate to the communities they serve.

Land Acquisition Trust Fund: APA Florida supports an implementation program for the 2014 Land Acquisition Trust Fund constitutional amendment which will maintain a significant, dedicated stream of funding for the acquisition and improvement of land, water areas, and related property interests. APA Florida believes that such a program should be a priority for the Legislature’s expenditure of Land Acquisition Trust Fund, and related monies, and that any expenditure which might undermine public support for the preservation goals of this constitutional amendment should not be approved. APA Florida supports land acquisition should be at or greater than the historic (~$300 million/year) funding level of the previous Florida Forever program. It is recognized that Trust Fund monies are also to be spent on land management, restoration of natural systems, and the enhancement of public access or recreational enjoyment of conservation lands to improve water quality, augment land acquisition, protect vital estuarine and terrestrial habitat, and to complement the management of existing public lands. This may include removing septic tanks and other pollutant sources near springs, estuaries and other sensitive environmental areas.

Land Use Board of Appeals: APA Florida supports the creation of a Land Use Board of Appeals as an efficient and expert means to settle disputes on certain local or state land use decisions in place of the circuit court. APA Florida believes such a Board could be an appointed panel of attorneys and related professionals with expertise in land use matters and could be established either on a regional basis or statewide basis.

Military Installations: APA Florida supports policies and legislation that provide for the viability and continued presence of military installations within the State, protect against incompatible land uses which may affect vital military missions, and provide for the continuity of operations while adequately protecting private property rights and community visions. To further this aim, APA Florida supports the creation of a voluntary, willing seller state land acquisition program and fund for the purchase of buffers. In addition, APA Florida supports cooperation and open communications between military installations, local governments and the general public, including but not limited to the collaborative exchange of information regarding official plans and programs.

Plan Amendment Review Process: APA Florida continues to support maintaining a streamlined plan amendment review process that provides meaningful input and enforcement on issues related to important regional and state interests, and, possibly, to assign certain review duties to the regional level. APA Florida also supports and advocates that the term “important regional and state interests” be defined by statute or that existing statutes be amended to include criteria for defining such interests and that the state land planning agency be required to undertake rulemaking to define such interests.

Preemption of Local Government Authority: APA Florida supports local government authority to fund and implement sound planning practices and opposes preemption or incremental erosion of local planning, zoning, regulatory and taxing authority, as this substantially diminishes the ability of local governments to carry out comprehensive planning activities.

Public Transportation: APA Florida supports the application of sustainable development and growth management practices in all facets of public infrastructure planning, funding and construction, especially insofar as the making of investments into long-term transportation infrastructure & systems. APA Florida supports provision of multimodal transportation systems, with a diversity of modal choices and equal emphasis on the pedestrian, bicycle, automobile and public transit as the best solution to serving the public need for comprehensive mobility solutions and congestion reduction in urban communities. APA Florida supports an increased allocation of state and federal funding for projects and programs that implement projects, programs and improvements that will advance the provision and use of public transportation, increase the resources devoted to existing public transportation properties, improve the connectivity of our neighborhoods to transit services and enhance the non-motorized elements of the transportation infrastructure. APA Florida supports the newly adopted “complete streets” and “vision zero” policies of the Florida Department of Transportation and the importance that is placed on context sensitive design.

Redevelopment and Community Redevelopment Agencies: APA Florida supports initiatives that promote quality urban development and redevelopment within our cities, especially new statutory and regulatory incentives for projects that involve infill development, job creation, and economic development. Infill development and redevelopment of blighted areas and of dilapidated or abandoned properties supports economic development and renewed essential services and infrastructure to improve the quality of life in our communities. APA Florida also supports appropriate statutory and regulatory incentives to improve the form and pattern of development of areas with extensive antiquated and undeveloped subdivisions. APA Florida supports legislation that preserves the home rule powers of local governments to create and effectively use community redevelopment agencies to redevelop and revitalize their declining areas, including the use of tax increment financing. APA Florida supports local control and disposition of any disputes between local governments over the use of such agencies and financing and, to that end, supports current mechanisms for cities and counties to negotiate, establish, operate, and fund Community Redevelopment Agencies.

Referenda for Comprehensive Planning: APA Florida believes the use of referenda is neither an effective growth management tool nor a means for effective citizen participation in the community planning process. APA Florida supports local government authority to fund and implement sound planning practices and opposes preemption of this authority by referenda.

Regional Boundaries: APA Florida supports improved regional integrated planning for jobs creation and economic development, integrated and efficient transportation systems, and environmental resource management to create a more efficient and strategic selection of infrastructure improvements and the associated allocation of fiscal resources. APA Florida opposes changes to regional jurisdictional boundaries unless a compelling rationale can be demonstrated, such as achieving more effective regional governing structures or intergovernmental coordination. APA Florida believes that effective coordination and cooperation among Florida’s regional entities can be accomplished under the existing structure, and that the Legislature should promote regional cooperation by supporting and funding regional visioning and regional planning initiatives.

Regional Planning: APA Florida supports expanding the role of Regional Planning Councils (RPCs) to promote enhanced regional visioning and planning, and better address regional needs. APA Florida supports efforts that give more authority to Regional Planning Councils along with the funding necessary to support their duties and responsibilities.

Resilience: APA Florida supports a growth management system at the state, regional, and local levels which recognizes and provides plans, incentives, standards, and regulations that address resilient planning and development practices. APA Florida supports planning tools that increase resilience such as post-disaster recovery plans, adaptation action areas, adaptation planting plans or other means of restoring natural features to mitigate the effects hazards may have on our communities. To promote resilience, APA Florida recommends: 1. Infrastructure that can withstand natural hazards; 2. Development patterns that occur away from high hazard areas; 3. Threatened or vulnerable facilities relocated to safer areas; 4. Protected environmental systems that assist in hazard mitigation; 5. Streamlined Economic Recovery Programs; 6. Regional plans for recovery and redevelopment.

Rural Lands: APA Florida supports sustainable planning for rural lands requiring long- range efforts for sustainability, economic diversification, and protection of scenic, natural, and environmentally significant areas to: 1) protect environmentally valuable lands and resources; 2) maintain and enhance the economic viability of agricultural and other predominantly rural land uses; 3) promote economic diversification while reducing premature urban conversion; 4) allow limited future development in appropriate locations using a compact mixed-use form that ensures compatibility with surrounding rural lands; and 5) provide cost-efficient delivery of public facilities and services. APA Florida also supports the continued funding of state land acquisition and the use of rural land programs, conservation easements and other incentive-based initiatives to preserve agriculture and rural lands and to help plan for future growth outside urban areas. APA Florida also supports the continued funding of state land acquisition and the use of rural land programs, conservation easements and other incentive-based initiatives to preserve agriculture and rural lands and to help plan for future growth outside urban areas.

Schools: APA Florida supports provision of adequate school facilities to serve the existing and projected student population in Florida. APA Florida supports the adoption and implementation of programs that provide for coordinated planning between local governments and school districts for school siting, construction and supporting infrastructure and the sharing of growth, development and demographic data to advance this goal, maximization of co-location and joint use of both schools and public/civic facilities to serve the community, legislation and rules that expand the ability of the Department of Education and local school districts to be more proactive in the acquisition of land and construction of schools, exploration and development of new or expanded funding sources to address the need for additional school capital facilities, and revitalization/expansion of older schools in urban areas with adequate funding to support this effort.

Sound Planning: To promote economic growth, job growth and stability of communities, APA Florida supports a fully-funded, integrated state growth management program established in state statutes and rules. APA Florida supports changes which promote effective planning and which strengthen, improve and integrate current planning processes without sacrificing accountability on the local, regional and state scale, including, but not limited to: fiscal impact analysis used as part of a sound planning program; the update and re-adoption of a State Comprehensive Plan that clearly provides policy and budgetary guidance on state priorities; and adequate funding to prepare and implement local comprehensive plans and regional policy plans.

State Plan: APA Florida believes the State Comprehensive Plan should be an integral component of Florida’s planning and growth management policy framework, and supports restructuring of this long-standing statute (Chapter 187, F.S.) to link the plan to the state budget in accordance with Article III, Section 19(h) of the Florida Constitution, to officially designate it as the “state planning document” and to clearly delineate state level priorities, within and beyond the growth management realm.

State Priority Interests: APA Florida believes that ‘state priority interests’ should be compelling, clearly defined and designated for long-term planning purposes. (See Plan Amendment Review Process above.)

Sustainability: APA Florida supports the incorporation of new community and redevelopment practices, standards, policy regulations, and measurable outcomes that balance the impact of the built environment on natural ecosystems, minimizes impacts to surrounding rural lands or water bodies, enhances natural biodiversity, and incorporates wise use of all resources to provide proper infrastructure and services. APA Florida strongly encourages and supports using a combination of incentives for sustainable and livable communities and regulatory frameworks to mitigate problems caused by climate change and wasteful energy consumption, as well as fostering the redevelopment and revitalization of urban areas, local hazard mitigation, sustainability action plans, and post-disaster redevelopment planning.

Takings: APA Florida supports the balancing of public interests with private property rights and adherence to a thorough, open and transparent planning process before invoking the use of eminent domain. Furthermore, APA Florida supports the exercise of legitimate property rights but opposes any expansion of takings and just compensation laws.

Transportation: APA Florida believes that sustained economic development and job creation requires an efficient, interconnected, multi-modal network of transportation facilities including port, waterway, aviation, rail, highways, transit, trails, bicycle, and pedestrian modes of transportation. APA Florida supports funding, whether it is public, private or an appropriate public/private partnership (P3) and whether it is on a statewide or local level, for new transportation initiatives, such as transit and rail construction and re-use of existing transportation rights-of-way and infrastructure. APA Florida also supports local and regional government authority, and the formation of new regional authorities, to manage, fund and implement recurring revenue sources for the ongoing operations and development of multi-modal transportation systems. APA Florida supports programs and funding to promote mobility for people and goods, and for coordinated transportation and land use initiatives that promote transportation modal choice and reduce vehicle miles traveled. APA Florida also supports improved measures of development impacts including the implementation of multi-modal level of service standards, and the application of new and approved technologies to be used to identify vehicle miles traveled versus trip production.

Trust Funds: APA Florida supports the integrity of all Trust Funds for their stated use.

Urban Policy: APA Florida supports policies and programs that encourage development and redevelopment of underutilized urban land. APA Florida supports and encourages policies and programs that maximize the use of existing infrastructure, including transportation facilities, utilities, public safety resources, parks, schools and other community facilities. APA Florida supports legislation that promotes quality urban development and redevelopment that involve infill development, job creation, and economic development.

Water Resource Protection: APA Florida supports planning efforts which seek to conserve water resources and provide for an adequate supply of water resources for all existing and future uses, while protecting and maintaining quality of water resources and related natural systems. APA Florida also supports a continuation of the long- standing public policy that waters in the state are held in trust and protected for reasonable-beneficial use by all citizens of the state and should not be allowed to become a privately held, property-based right.