Members of the American Planning Association, Florida Chapter enjoy access to a rich assortment of benefits which help them become better planning professionals and assist them in promoting best practices throughout the state. 

Leadership. Membership in APA Florida affirms your commitment to leadership in the planning profession.  APA Florida members head many of the State’s planning agencies, departments, boards and councils.  They play an essential role in formulating public policy and ensure a positive and sustainable future for the State of Florida.   

Networking. When you join APA Florida, you join thousands of planners, officials, educators, students, citizens and allied professional who have made a personal commitment to making great communities happen.   The networking opportunities offered by APA Florida have led many members to their next project, appointment or job.

Knowledge. APA Florida is dedicated to providing its members the resources and educational opportunities they need to stay at the forefront of the planning profession.  From conferences to continuing education, workshops to websites, APF Florida and its local sections continuously support the educational needs of members and ensure that they continue to grow as professionals.

Joining APA offers members a host of benefits ranging from receiving APA’s Planning magazine to networking opportunities at nationwide conferences.

STUDENTS:  If you are currently a student, your membership is FREE while enrolled.  

PLANNING BOARDS/COMMISSIONS: Did you know you can sign up all the members of your planning or zoning board for one discounted price through APA's Group Planning Board Memberships? Agencies can pay a participation fee of $121 and sign up an unlimited number of planning commissioners, zoning board members, or elected officials for $68 each ($63 for APA national dues and $5 for APA chapter dues) as long as they do not earn their living in planning. Sign up here.

CHAPTER ONLY MEMBERSHIPS: For $60 ($0 if you are a student), you can enjoy all the benefits of APA Florida for 12 months. To join APA Florida, fill out this form. It make take a few days to process.