Businesses Recycling Workshop Video Series

. The Southern Waste Information eXchange, Inc. (SWIX), is a non-profit clearinghouse and repository for businesses and government agencies looking for information regarding: Market development, Recycled products, Solid and hazardous waste management, Current regulations/legislation, Alternative and emerging waste management technologies, Trade journals and associations, Technical reports, The availability of and demand for waste materials; and Waste management services and products.

Recycling in Broward County. Slide presentation on recycling options.

How Local Governments in Florida are Stimulating More Business Recycling. YouTube presentation from the Southern Waste Information eXchange (SWIX)

Promoting Recycling Behavior That Works! Keep America Beautiful Webinar, August 2014. The effectiveness of any recycling program hinges on understanding human behavior, and in many cases, asking individuals to change their behaviors. This webinar will summarize the findings from behavioral science with regard to effective strategies for encouraging people to recycle, including recommendations for program design and marketing. The webinar also shares results from a survey conducted in partnership with The George Washington University regarding participants’ feedback on bin shape, color and signage.

The Future of Solid Waste Management in Florida – Economic and Sustainability Effects. Slide presentation by Robert L. Westly, P.G., CPG, National Partner, Environmental Management Systems; Air & Waste Management Association, Florida Section 48th Annual FL Section Conference, October 16, 2012.

Making Mountains out of Landfills: Lesson 8, America Reviled – PBS presentation. What kind of trash does America generate each year? Where does it go? What impact does our waste have on the environment? How can we reduce our trash output? Enhance your health, science, and environmental studies curriculum with this video which features a landfill in South Jersey and examines the state of food waste in America today. Then, use the accompanying lesson plan to prepare students to visually track and document different kinds of trash in their community.